Course description:
As a mover, so many of us get stopped. Finances, lack of support, sometimes (maybe often) we even hold our own stop signs. This course will teach you the basic skills of a mover through life. It will answer the question: “How do you become unstoppable?” This course will help you become The Unstoppable You.
Additional course info:
- I’m a research guy, usually on big stages and such and out of reach. This course is bringing all of that to you, 1:1. Normally you wouldn’t get me but now I’ll be here in your room with you. You’re in my office (at Harvard). I’ve been working for 30 years on this, we’ve recently come to a discovery that a lot of stuff that drives productive behavior we’ve missed, and it’s kind of mind blowing. Seems we’ve missed the big elephant in the room. Come with me on this journey, we’re figuring this out together.
Outcomes for student:
- I understand more about who I am than I ever have before
- I understand how to use the world around to contribute more than I ever have, in a nourishing way not a draining way
- I can move through life as powerfully as I’ve ever done before